Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Peace for Ourselves......

After 15 years, I recently met up with the game of basketball, and we have been inseparable ever since.  I joined a co-ed league within my city of London, Ontario and have been playing with other 20-30ish year old players who are in a similar stage of life and are like-minded individuals who also have great sportsmanship.  My intent in joining this league was two fold: one to get a good workout and second, to network.  I didn’t realize there was a third and crucial benefit of joining this league and that was to feel like a 15 year old again.  I am also drawing similarities between the workplace and the game itself like how…
  •        it takes a team to succeed
  •        having a strategy can help you focus on how you want to play,
  •       groupthink can get a team to lower their guard by dismissing the other team’s strengths,
  •        being a cheerleader and positive thinker is much more contagious than being a downer. 

Basketball in helping me return to this feeling of being a youth and opening my mind to observe my world, is my way of giving to ‘me’ and letting the small things go.

In this crazy, busy, awesome life, I realize the one thing that we should ultimately be striving for is balance.  Balance between giving it our best in our careers and with our family, to giving ourselves the gift of rest, laughter and joy.  By finding a way to reconnect with your youth and your passions while balancing  your family and career, is one way….we can get a peace for ourselves!