Thursday, December 30, 2010

Journaling for a Successful New Year

We all define success differently especially for the different areas of our life whether it be family, career or our health.  No matter what your goals, a journal can act as a personal coach or cheer leader in helping you monitor your daily achievements towards the larger picture.  10 minutes is all you need.

Assuming you are like me and you journal at the end of your day, begin by writing down three things you liked about the day that was in contribution to your goals, one thing you would have done differently and affirm to yourself with a quote or a positive saying that will give you strength for the next day.

For any questions on journaling, please feel free to contact me at

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."- Vincent van Gogh

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The 5 W's of Journaling

WHAT is Journaling? 
What is ‘journaling’?  Journaling is a way to overcome conflict, manage stress and also self-empower simply by writing your thoughts and feelings on paper. 
WHO can Journal?
Journaling is for EVERYONE.  Whether you are an executive, actor, teacher, student, nurse or supportive family member of someone in crisis, journaling is about growing from the lessons we receive everyday.

WHERE can somone Journal?
Anywhere!  In a car, mall, bus stop, toilet stall, at home in bed, in the park, or wherever you are now!

WHY should someone Journal?
Journaling can provide you with MANY benefits including the power to help overcome personal obstacles, work with conflicting personalities, and also help foster a creative mindset to living your life.  Why shouldn't you journal?! 

WHEN should someone Journal?
Anytime!  Many feel the urge to journal when they are down however, choosing to write during moments of happiness can help you realize how to create more memories like those.  Some choose to journal at night, some choose to journal in the daytime, it is entirely up to you.  You can journal for 10 mins or an hour- it is up to you and your needs.

Remember, journaling is such a personal tool that the best way to really benefit from it is to write for yourself and be TOTALLY honest about your feelings. 
Till the next post- happy journaling!

Gautam Khanna

Saturday, November 20, 2010

And today it begins....

I just received a notice from my website host, Doteasy, that my website is about to expire and that I am to renew.  I haven't touched that website in 3 years- meant to be an online brochure for when I started doing my journaling workshops but now....I've joined the corporate world and am paying down my mortgage but I still feel the need to educate on this wonderful tool of journaling. it begins.  This blog will be my new vehicle for hopefully inspiring those who are facing crisis, boredom, depression, challenges big and small, to pick up a PEN and NOTEPAD and start scribbling their thoughts away.  This blog is also a selfish endeavour to motivate myself to consistently journal and maybe we can learn together from the insights our journals are to reveal.
If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to contact me via email   And when it comes to journaling....remember, there is only one rule and that is - THERE ARE NO RULES! :~)